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Published: March 26, 2021
by Ellis funeral home nashville

As you work on your recovery, you might want to write down some of your main goals. These goals can be short-term and easily achievable, or you can start identifying bigger, more long-term goals that you want to work your way towards. It is helpful to think of small steps to take toward them over a certain amount of time, like a week or a month.

  • Eat good food: If you go long periods of time without eating your body cannot function at its best. Skipping meals can result in brain fog, fatigue and/or headaches. Include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats throughout the day to provide your body with what it needs. Having a balance of these three macronutrients helps keep blood sugar levels stable and will help you feel more energized.
  • Exercise: We all know exercise is good for us, but do we really know how good it is? Daily exercise can help you both physically and mentally, boosting your mood and reducing stress and anxiety. Of course, it might be hard to go to the gym every day, so try to incorporate other exercises, such as walking, tennis, or yoga, which may be able to fit into your schedule more easily. The most important thing is to create a routine that works for you.
  • Find ways to relax: like meditation, yoga, getting a massage, taking a bath, taking a nap or walking in the woods.
  • Unplug from the world: There is little doubt that unplugging has its benefits. It promotes better health; enhances personal relationships; and improves productivity. Setting your phone aside allows you to decompress and unwind, reducing stress and improving mental alertness. You will sleep better, enjoy meals more when there isn’t a phone beside your plate, and may even improve your overall physical fitness.
  • See friends: Real friends are the ones who have the nicest things to say behind your backs. From being a good listener when she/he needs someone to talk to and from being a hand to lean on when she/he needs a shoulder to cry on. To build your sense of belonging. Consider joining a support group to make new friends.

Practicing self-care is not always easy. Most of us are busy, place the needs of our families first, have stressful jobs, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Me-time is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking the time required to take care of ourselves (parent guilt is a real thing).

So, getting started with self-care can be challenging.

Remember to congratulate yourself for any successes. Achieving goals - even small ones - is a sign of hope and accomplishment.

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